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Συμμετοχή στο 3ο εντατικό σεμινάριο διαχείρισης καταστροφών

Συμμετοχή στο 3ο εντατικό σεμινάριο διαχείρισης καταστροφών

The Athens University School of Medicine post-graduate program “International Medicine- Health Crisis Management” invites you to the Third Advanced Course in the Management of Disaster Victims in Kos, Greece.

This Intensive hands-on course focuses on the improvement of preparedness, the establishing of a hazard risk and vulnerability evaluation method and the adoption of best practices for the management of Major Mass Casualty Incidents. Participants will follow keynote lectures on the most sensitive issues of major disasters and mass casualty crises resulting from earthquakes, tidal waves, transport accidents (road, aviation and maritime) , fires in urban complexes etc. A number of exercises in coping with austere situations are part of the program as well as set scenarios in real time conditions.

This Advanced Course offers a comprehensive and up-to date knowledge to the participants giving them the opportunity to acquire skills and experience to plan for and respond efficiently in major events both in pre-hospital as well as in hospital settings. Moreover, the participants will receive training in modern search-and-rescue procedures, emergency care of victims and response during the “golden-hour”. This program is designed to help health professionals, managers and the local communities improve their capacity to cope with MCI.

For the 3rd Advanced Course we have chosen the island of Kos an island that due to its geopolitical position, its particular interest as a tourist destination for more than one million tourists per year and its infrastructures seems to guarantee the ideal conditions of hosting such an initiative. We strongly believe that a high level seminar on health intervention in major incidences in this area would empower the resilience and mitigation level not only of the local population but also of the host population.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Kos for this most interesting seminar

Theofilos Rosenberg MD, PhD
Ass. Professor of Surgery
Athens University
Director of the MSc
“International Medicine /Health-Crisis Management”